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Our Price: $98.00

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Product Code: LUNA

Luna Capsules (63)
Luna Liquid (150mL)

Luna nurtures small intestine Yin. It helps lubricate and moisten the intestine. It also nurtures the enteric nerves which regulate intestinal digestions and contractions.

1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
IBS is an intestinal disorder characterized by intermittent abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating, gas accompanied by diarrhea, constipation, or alternating episodes of both. The cause of the condition is abnormal enteric neural function which controls intestinal contractions. Stress, anxiety, or insomnia can also affect enteric neural function disrupting the coordinated rhythm of the intestinal muscles. Abnormal enteric neural function can also be caused by irritation of bacterial toxins due to infections or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Luna nurtures the enteric nervous system to help regain normal functionality and eliminate IBS symptoms. It also helps ease the mind to resolve stress, anxiety, or insomnia. Probiosis is also required to clear bacterial infections.

Patients can experience symptom improvement in 3 days. 2-3 weeks of treatment is required for significant improvement and sustained results. PA and Whitehead may also be required if patients have severe bacterial infections.

2. Constipation
Constipation can be caused by poor lubrication of the intestinal mucosal lining. Luna nurtures the small intestine and enhance its lubrication. It is especially helpful for elderly patients as well as patients with chronic lung disease (i.e. COPD).

Patients can experience improvement in 1-3 days. 2-4 weeks of treatment is required for significant improvement and sustained results.

Suggested Dosage: 10mL (2 tsp), 2 times/day or 3 capsules, 3 times/day
Available Volume: 150mL bottle or 63 capsules per bottle
Ingredients: Semen Platycladi, Semen Lini, Semen Armeniacae Amarum, Sesame, Walnut, Pine Nuts

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