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Product Code: LIDO

Lido helps improve the flow of liver Qi and remove liver Qi stagnation. It helps improves the blood flow of the portal veins.

1. Acute Portal Vein Hypertension and Gastroesophageal Varices
Acute stress to the liver can cause a blood flow reduction to the liver from the hepatic artery. It can cause increased reactive oxygen species and liver inflammation which causes further reduction in blood flow of the portal system through the liver. The blood in the portal vein will then backed up causing an increase in the portal vein pressure. Portal vein hypertension can cause blood flow to back up into the esophageal, gastric, and intestinal veins causing acute gastroesophageal veins varices or dilation. Symptoms include tight feeling around the stomach, difficult swallowing or sensation of lumps in the throat, depression, anger, and lack of energy and motivation. Lido helps resume regular blood flow of the portal vein and reduce portal vein pressure. Patients can experience symptom improvement 1-3 days. 1-2 weeks of treatment is required for significant improvement and sustained results.

2. Chronic Portal Vein Hypertension and Gastroesophageal Varices
Liver hardening due to liver fibrosis or cirrhosis can cause chronic portal vein hypertension and gastroesophageal veins varices or dilation. Brown, LC Balancer, and Cirrhonin help dissolve the fibrotic tissue and soften the liver. Lido helps purge the blood flow from the gastroesophageal veins to the liver. Lido should be used after the liver becomes soft. Patients can experience symptom improvement in 1-3 days after adding the Lido. Up to 3 months of treatment is required for significant improvement and sustained results.

Suggested Dosage: 2 capsules, 3 times a day
Available Volume: 42 capsules per bottle
Ingredients: Poria, Rhizoma Cyperi

Pinyin Name: Fuling, Xiangfu

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