Jade-R enhances healthy Qi to the skin. It support a viral clearing formula to clear chronic skin viral infections by boosting the cell-mediated immunity of the skin’s immune system.
The skin is the outermost barrier of the human body that ensures protection from external harm and plays a critical role in immune defense against chemical, physical microbial insults. The skin is constantly challenged by potentially harmful viruses and is the most vulnerable tissue even though it has a very comprehensive defense mechanism.
There are many viruses that cause persistent skin infections including human papillomavirus (HPV) and herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2), as well as herpes zoster virus, also called shingles which is herpes virus 3 (HSV-3) causing skin rashes, blisters or warts.
Due to the nature as first line defense and excessive challenges to the skin immunity, additional immune support to the skin is required to fight persistent viral infections. Jade-R helps enhance the cell-mediated immunity in the skin to assist the skin viral clearing formula, Saponin to clear the viral infected cells in the skin. Patients should notice improvement of skin rashes or warts within 1 week. 8-12 weeks of treatment may be required for significant improvement. During the viral clearing process, there will be an increased amount of toxins and wastes. Brown, LC Balancer and Xcel are also required to help clear these wastes.
Suggested Dosage: 2 capsules, 3 times a day Available Volume: 42 capsules per bottle Ingredients: Flos Lonicerae, Fructus Forsythiae, Fructus Jujubae, Fructus Kochiae, Herba Siegesbeckiae, Radix Astragali, Radix Rehmanniae, Radix Saposhnikoviae, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae Ingredients: Baishu, Dazao, Difuzi, Dihuang, Fangfeng, Huangqi, Jinyinhua, Lianqiao, Xixiancao