Effeminine nurtures uterine Qi and blood, and enhances uterine Yang. It helps improve the blood flow and nurture the female reproductive system including the uterus, ovaries and breast. It can be used for conditions caused by uterine Qi and Blood deficiency.
1. Female Reproductive Organ Deficiency Deficiency in the female reproductive system can cause menstral period problem with symptoms of painful periods, cold feeling, cycles that is longer than one month with small amount of blood and clots. The deficiency can also cause under developed breast with breast size that is too small. The uterine Qi and blood deficiency can also cause lower jiao coldness and patients can develop infertility with symptoms of low sex drive, poor energy level, and fatigue. Effeminine helps enhance the blood flow to the female reproductive system and nurture the female organs. Patients can experience less cold feeling, improved period quality, increase in the breast size and sex drive in 1-2 weeks. 4-6 weeks of treatment is required for significant improvement as well as improvement in fertility. Patients with low grade inflammation or infections may experience increased heat symptom in the reproductive tract and/or urinary tract. Sissy, BI and KS may be required to help remove heat.
Suggested Dosage: Take 2 capsules, 3 times a day. Ingredients: Cortex Cinnamomi, Folium Artemisiae Argyi, Fructus Evodiae, Fructus Foeniculi, Herba Taxilli, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Radix Astragali, Radix Dipsaci, Radix Linderae, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Radix Rehmanniae Preparata, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Rhizoma Cyperi
Pinyin Name: Aiye, Xiangfu, Wuzhuyu, Danggui, Chuanxiong, Shudihuang, Chishao, Xuduan, Rougui, Huangqi, Sangjisheng, Xiaohuixiang, Wuyao