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Artinin & Artinin-2
Artinin & Artinin-2
Our Price: $83.00

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Artinin and Artenin-2 help remove cold damp from the arteries. They help clear infections in the blood vessels caused by mycobacteria, such as Chlamydia pneumoniae.

Artinin targets the surface layer of the arteries and Artenin-2 targets the deep layers of the arteries.

The infection of the blood vessels by the mycobacterium causes blood vessel inflammation. The endothelial cells produce pro‐inflammatory molecules such as prostaglandin instead of lubricating agents such as nitric oxide. Pro‐inflammatory agents can cause artery inflammation leading to the development of spider veins and vasculitis. Poor circulation due to blood vessel inflammation can cause symptoms such as fatigue, general aches and pains, and nerve problems such as numbness or weakness.

Pro-inflammatory agents can also cause thrombosis with the formation of blood clots as well as the formation of plaque in the artery walls leading to the development of atherosclerosis. When the deep layers of the blood vessels are infected, it can cause more severe problems with blood circulation and affect other organ functions resulting in problems such as loss of voice, vocal cord paralysis, and kidney disease depending on the affected areas.

Artinin helps clear mycobacterial infection from the surface of the arteries and Artenin-2 helps clear mycobacterial infection from the deep layers of the arteries. Enlighten and Blood Tonic are also required to reduce blood vessel inflammation and improve blood circulation.

Patients can experience symptom improvement in 1-3 days. 3-4 weeks of treatment is required for significant improvement.

Suggested Dosage: 2 capsules, 3 times a day

Artinin: Caulis Lonicerae, Caulis Sinomeni, Flos Carthami, Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Radix Clematidis, Radix Glycyrrhizae, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Radix Scrophulariae, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Semen Persicae
Artinin-2: Bulbus Lilii, Fructus Arctii, Herba Taxilli, Radix Adenophorae, Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae, Radix Glehniae, Radix Platycodi, Radix Saposhinkoviae, Rhizoma Belamcandae, Rhizoma Polygonati

Pinyin Name:
Artinin: Rendongteng, Xuanshen, Danggui, Chuanxiong, Chishao, Taoren, Honghua, Niuxi, Weilingxian, Qingfengteng, Gancao
Artinin-2: Fangfeng, Qinjiao, Niubangzi, Shegan, Jiegeng, Nanshashen, Beishashen, Baihe, Huangjing, Sangjisheng

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