Millennium nurtures heart Yin and blood Yin. It helps improve the heart function and sinus function.
Myogen nurtures heart Yang and cleans cold damp in the heart. It helps improve blood flow to the heart muscle and clear inflammation, infection and toxic metabolic wastes accumulated in the heart and pericardium. B-2 is also required to help clear the waste from muscles. CV and Qi Booster are also required. Without the use of B-2, the toxic wastes released from the heart can be retained in the muscles causing fatigue, muscle weakness, body heaviness, headaches, and insomnia. As toxic metabolic wastes are released to the blood, the patient’s urine may become smellier and darker.
Pacekeeping nurtures heart Qi and calms the mind. It helps improve the function of the sympathetic nervous system and heart electrical system to stabilize heart rhythm.
CV Formula
CV removes blood stasis and nurtures heart Qi and Blood. It helps remove plaque from the artery and repair artery damage. B-2 and Qi Booster are also required to help move the dissolved wastes.
Allicidin (60 Caps)
Premier Research Labs Allicidin Complex features the stable form of
allicin, the active, immune-boosting fraction found in garlic. In
addition, it contains all the synergistic, co-factors and essential
transporters to upregulate the body’s capacity to break biofilms in any
mucus membrane in the body. It does so gently and effectively because it
is also capable of upregulating the elimination of waste products
generated from biofilm destruction.
Anti-Homocysteine Support (60 Caps)
Premier Research Labs Homocysteine is one of the key indicators of cardiovascular health and cognitive function. Elevated blood homocysteine is associated with aging, weight gain and heart concerns. Research also shows that elevated homocysteine is associated with altered body composition in both adults and children.
BP Complex Premier (60 Caps)
Premier Research Labs B.P. Complex features authentic Italian Olive Leaf Extract with critical co-factors and synergists for exceptional heart and circulation support.
CardioVen (60 Caps)
Premier Research Labs CardioVen Heart support formula; targets nutrients to heart; artery, circulation, blood support.
NADH Premier (30 Caps)
NADH is one of the most effective biological antioxidants known.* Aging is a transition from an energy-rich state to an energy-poor state. Brain, Memory, liver and whole body support. Our DNA repair system cannot function properly without adequate amounts of NADH. The more DNA needs to be repaired, the more NADH is used up by the cell. Increased NADH may promote longevity and vitality.