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custom lab panel functional blood work optimal blood work Custom Lab Panel

Don't let your Medical Doctor run minimal labs only to tell you "There's nothing wrong with you" or simply prescribe dangerous medications with massive side effects. Take your health back into your own hands and order a Custom Functional Blood panel with a Functional Medicine Doctor who's focus is on health restoration, not disease management.

No Office Visit Required. Can go over results via phone consultation or in office.

Our Price: $1,299.00
Adaptogen-R3 (90 Caps) Adaptogen-R3 (90 Caps)

Premier Research Labs Adaptogen R3 is a true breakthrough in energy enhancement that can rapidly produce ideal cellular resonance for great vitality and increased energy. Adaptogens are a powerful way to re-establish harmony in the hormonal, energetic, metabolic systems of the body.

Our Price: $29.91
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AdrenaVen (60 Caps) AdrenaVen (60 Caps)

In our fast paced lives, stress can lead to increased illness, and rapid aging. Protect yourself with Premier Research Labs AdrenaVen, featuring premier-state cordyceps, the best for handling stress and long life. Support the calm state hormones and the action hormones to get you through the active day, and sleep deeply at night.

Our Price: $24.91
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Melatonin-ND (2 fl oz) Melatonin-ND (2 fl oz)

The World’s First, Natural-Source, Fully Potent Melatonin* Melatonin is the hormone produced by the pineal gland at night to induce deep, restful sleep which is the primary time when the body detoxes, rejuvenate and restores itself. Melatonin has received substantial publicity for its ability to promote natural sleep patterns, stimulate the immune system, decrease jet lag and its role as a powerful antioxidant.

Our Price: $17.95
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Tranquinol (60 caps) Tranquinol (60 caps)

Neurotransmitter Balance for Healthy Mood, Relaxation and Deep, Restful Sleep. Supports mental tranquility, calm mood and focus throughout the day (nonaddictive; does not cause drowsiness). Ancient formula to provide support to our relaxation cycle of the day.

Our Price: $37.98
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UltraPollen (45 caps) UltraPollen (45 caps)

Written historical records indicate that pollen has been used as a food nutrient concentrate and health rejuvenator for at least 2,000 years. Special pollen extracts have clinically been proven beneficial to promote healthy male and female reproduction systems, including prevention and treatment for problems with the prostate.

Our Price: $24.95
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